Welcome to the home of the Windy City Pin Traders.


Windy City Pin Traders is a group of people around the Chicagoland and Orlando areas who share a keen hobby of Disney pin collecting and trading. We meet once a month (some times more often) to trade pins among each other. We often travel together to other pin meets and events. New members, even those not seriously into Disney pin collecting, are always welcomed. One does not have to do pin trading to attend and have fun at one of our pin meets.

Pin Meet Information

WCPT is pleased to announce that our Chicagoland monthly pin-trading meet has resumed.
We are meeting the second Saturday of each month at Mr. Beef and Pizza .  Starting time is 11:00 am.
The location is in the party room at:  
Please keep the following in mind:
1. The management at Mr. Beef and Pizza has been gracious enough to let us use their party room. Please patronize their business by buying food items and drinks at the establishment. We are able to use the room without charge ONLY if we satisfy the minimum amount of food purchase during our meet. There should also be no food and drinks brought in from elsewhere.
2. Buying and selling during our meet is not permitted. If you are paying someone for something he/she purchased for you, please do so discretely or off-premises.
Future WCPT meeting dates will be e-mailed to the mailing list and posted here on our webpage (www.windycitypintraders.com).  We are excited and are looking forward to some good, old-fashioned pin-trading that we have missed for more than a year.


Note: WCPT-South meets are currently on hiatus. Please check back to see when their meets start again.



For information contact: WCPT

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